The Employee Safety & Security Forum


Registration: Refreshments, Networking & Solution Showcase



Javier Colado, Senior Vice President, Everbridge




Protecting Employees: A shared duty of care?

Whether you have office based staff, mobile or travelling employees, contractors or lone workers you have a duty of care towards all your employees. Recent events have taught us that major incidents can occur anywhere at any time - in crowded places, overseas and outside of working hours. Just how far do organisations have to go to ensure the safety of their employees?

This session will provide you with straightforward advice on the essential steps to fulfil your duty of care.


Nicole Vazquez, Director, Worthwhile Training

Nigel Heaton, Health & Safety & Risk Consultant, Human Applications




Preparing for a Terror Attack: 3 Golden Rules 

Terrorists are prepared so we should be too but are your staff adequately prepared, trained and practised for what to do in an emergency situation? Could there be weaknesses in your current security protocols? Learn why you need holistic security in your business, how to adapt to new threats and prepare your people to DETECT, DETER and DELAY a potential attack whilst protecting themselves and others.

Chris Phillips, Director, IPPSO The International Protect & Prepare Security Office


Break: Refreshments, Networking & Solutions Showcase


Panel Discussion: Take Command of Risk

The panel will debate the issues around duty of care exploring the consequences of not being adequately prepared and the potential  impact on your staff, brand, reputation and share price.

Hosted by: Nicole Vazquez with invited guests


Panel Discussion: Protecting People in Crowded Public Places

The Panel will discuss the challenges of accounting for staff and checking on their safety. What is your role in the immediate minutes, hours and days after a major incident?

Hosted by: Chris Phillips with invited guests



The Critical Event Management Maturity Model

Is your crisis response more ad hoc and reactive or proactive and managed?

In this final session we’ll introduce the 'Critical Event Management Maturity Model' and demonstrate how automation can help assess, orchestrate and speed up your response to a crisis.

Neil Laver, Director of Account Management, Everbridge


Closing Remarks

Javier Colado, Senior Vice President, Everbridge


Lunch: Networking & Solutions Showcase


Customer Forum until 17:00pm

Open to current Everbridge Customers only for details click here