Critical event kit for business continuity: Hurricanes

Prepare your business for hurricane season with Everbridge

Hurricanes, with their unpredictable nature, pose significant challenges to businesses, communities, and individuals alike. The Everbridge hurricane critical event kit for organizational resilience equips you with the essential knowledge and tools to fortify your organization's readiness and response strategies in the face of hurricanes.

Inside this kit, you'll find:
  • Insights into the impact of hurricanes on business continuity
  • Common challenges posed by hurricanes and how to address them effectively
  • Best practices for improving emergency communication during hurricanes
  • A system checklist to ensure employee safety during hurricanes
  • Communication templates for effective hurricane messaging
To learn more about how Everbridge can help you protect your community, enhance public safety, and ensure effective response and recovery during hurricanes, schedule a demo with us today.
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The Speakers

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The Agenda

Take a peek at our agenda for this live event, and we hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 1 | 12-4:30pm CT

Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL




Welcome Remarks:

Teresa Anderson


Keynote: Resilience During COVID: From Fighting Crime to Protecting Employees

Chief Brendan Deenihan


Trends and Strategies for Managing Risks with a Hybrid Workforce

George Siegle




Panel Session: Operational Resilience in an Ever-Changing Risk Landscape

Teresa Anderson | George Siegle Chf. Brendan Deenihan | Thomas Henkey


Closing Remarks:

Teresa Anderson

Here’s a snapshot of some of the brands we are proud to work with

Download the kit