Everbridge Business Continuity

See Everbridge in action!

Critical events such as natural disasters, workplace violence, active assailants, cyberattacks, power outages, and supply chain disruptions on the rise, putting employees, assets, and operations at risk. To combat the growing threat landscape and protect essential operations, you require more than a business continuity plan: you need a robust business continuity solution that provides technology capable of avoiding or lessening the impact of everyday business threats.

The best business continuity solution should provide you with the following features:

  • Business Resilience: Our solution has risk intelligence, automation, AI, and other features built-in, all capable of increasing an organization’s resilience.
  • Security: Everbridge's solution is FedRAMP, SOC2, and GDPR certified, offering 99.99% uptime.
  • Risk Identification: Our solution lets you perform risk and business impact analyses before, during, and after critical events.
  • Operational Efficiency: Our business continuity software allows you to review potential threats while performing risk assessments without interruption.
  • End-to-End Protection: Everbridge solutions will remediate critical situations and large-scale disruptions via an easy to use interface and interactive dashboards

Request a live demo of Everbridge business continuity solutions today.

The speakers

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The Agenda

Take a peek at our agenda for this live event, and we hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 1 | 12-4:30pm CT

Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL




Welcome Remarks:

Teresa Anderson


Keynote: Resilience During COVID: From Fighting Crime to Protecting Employees

Chief Brendan Deenihan


Trends and Strategies for Managing Risks with a Hybrid Workforce

George Siegle




Panel Session: Operational Resilience in an Ever-Changing Risk Landscape

Teresa Anderson | George Siegle Chf. Brendan Deenihan | Thomas Henkey


Closing Remarks:

Teresa Anderson

Here’s a snapshot of some of the brands we are proud to work with.

Request a demo