Stability and public safety amid increasing civil unrest

Maintaining stability and ensuring public safety are paramount for the wellbeing of any community. Stable environments foster economic growth, social harmony, and public trust in government institutions.

In this eBook, you will find detailed information for federal, state, and local governments on how to mitigate and manage demonstrations and civil unrest effectively. You will learn:

  • How to identify and understand civil unrest
  • How to prepare in advance for civil unrest events
  • Key actions to take during and after events
  • Key recommendations and best practices
  • Information on how Everbridge tools can support you during these events

To learn more about how Everbridge can help you protect your organization, ensure public safety, and respond effectively during crises, schedule a demo with us today.

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The Speakers

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The Agenda

Take a peek at our agenda for this live event, and we hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 1 | 12-4:30pm CT

Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL




Welcome Remarks:

Teresa Anderson


Keynote: Resilience During COVID: From Fighting Crime to Protecting Employees

Chief Brendan Deenihan


Trends and Strategies for Managing Risks with a Hybrid Workforce

George Siegle




Panel Session: Operational Resilience in an Ever-Changing Risk Landscape

Teresa Anderson | George Siegle Chf. Brendan Deenihan | Thomas Henkey


Closing Remarks:

Teresa Anderson

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Download the ebook