Download the White Paper
Trends in Business Continuity:
Exploring the Past and Planning for the Future

2015 was a busy year for disasters - from extreme weather, to acts of terrorism, to the "breach-a-day" cyber attacks - businesses, organizations, and communities around the globe had to put their business continuity, disaster recover and emergency management programs to the test.
In this white paper, internationally recognized emergency management and contingency planning

Download this white paper to learn about:
- Key business continuity and disaster events in 2015
- What disaster events and trends to expect in the future
- What changes could come to the BC/DR field
- How to reimagine your business continuity and disaster recovery programs to prepare for the future

Regina Phelps is an internationally recognized expert in the field of emergency management and continuity planning. Since 1982, she has provided consultation and educational speaking services to clients in four continents. She is founder of Emergency Management & Safety Solutions, a consulting company specializing in incident management, exercise design, and continuity and pandemic planning. Clients include many Fortune 500 companies. Ms. Phelps is a frequent top-rated speaker at well-known conferences such as the Disaster Recovery Journal, CP&M, and the World Conference on Disaster Management. She is frequently sought out for her common sense approach and clear, clean delivery of complex topics.

expert, Regina Phelps, explores the recent past of information security, technology recovery, and business continuity events, while taking a look at the trends and events to expect in the future.