White Paper: Crisis Management: Running a Campus-Wide Drill

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campus-wide exercise thumbnail.pngWith a rise in campus active shooter incidents, severe weather and other crisis events it is critical that colleges and universities have a well-thought out response plan. Plans must be tested to find gaps in response to ensure effectiveness. While running live drills are important, tabletop exercises are a good way to walk-through a test event to evaluate your strategy. 

Dr. Steven B. Goldman and Suzanne Blake, MS, CEM, outline the key elements of an Emergency Plan Drill or Exercise that colleges and universities can adapt to their own emergency management processes in this white paper. They also present a mini-drill challenge at the end that you and your staff can walk-through.This extensive white paper covers:

  • HSEEP Methodology
  • Pre-exercise coordination
  • Running the live exercise
  • After-action reporting and evaluating
  • Best practices to consider
  • A mini-drill exercise
  • Value of leveraging a notification system