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According to IBM, there were 1.5 million monitored cyberattacks in the U.S. in 2013. Additionally, the Ponemon Institute conducted a study revealing that data breaches cost U.S. organizations, on average, $5.4 million per incident. Despite a company’s best efforts, a security breach can cripple your network, hamper communications and expose sensitive corporate data.

In this paper, 5 Steps to Prepare Your Cyberattack Communications and Response Plan, you will be given insight on what actions need to be taken through the following steps:

5 Steps to Prepare Your Cyberattack Communications and Response Plan

  1. Deploy Your Critical Communications System
  2. Ensure All of Your Employees are Using the System
  3. Be Prepared to Use Your System
  4. Optimize Your Cyberattack Response and Delivery
  5. Communicate Externally and Alert Your Customers