Resilience Revealed: BCIC in 30 minutes

For those looking to learn more about BC in the Cloud, our business continuity and disaster recovery management solution, we invite you to join us for a brief 30 minute overview.

During our overview we will show you our new capabilities, including:
  • Enhanced templates for BIAs, TIAs, and other processes.
  • User-friendly interface, reporting, and configuration that empower you to save time and program costs.
  • Agile, continuous enhancements to ensure your BC/DR program leverages the latest technology and best practices.

Wednesday, March 26 | 11:00am ET

Take a peek at our agenda for this live event, and we hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 1 | 12-4:30pm CT

Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL




Welcome Remarks:

Teresa Anderson


Keynote: Resilience During COVID: From Fighting Crime to Protecting Employees

Chief Brendan Deenihan


Trends and Strategies for Managing Risks with a Hybrid Workforce

George Siegle




Panel Session: Operational Resilience in an Ever-Changing Risk Landscape

Teresa Anderson | George Siegle Chf. Brendan Deenihan | Thomas Henkey


Closing Remarks:

Teresa Anderson

Here’s a snapshot of some of the brands we are proud to work with.

Register for webinar