Large crowd events: Building robust risk mitigation plans

Ensuring safety and security of participants, residents, tourists, and all key stakeholders is a major consideration while planning for large scale events like major sporting events, music festivals, parades, etc. Even well-planned events can have some minor issues which then lead to critical incidents.

Watch as we discuss:

- Important factors while assessing risk pre-event
- How to create an inter-departmental/agency communication plan
- Key recommendations for creating a robust emergency response plan

Wednesday, July 17 | 2:00 PM EST

This is a great spot to put any speaker bio information that won't fit below their images easily (delete this in editor)

The speakers

Speaker 1 Name

Speaker 1 Info

Speaker 2 Name

Speaker 2 Info

Speaker 3 Name

Speaker 3 Info

Speaker 4 Name

Speaker 4 Info

The Agenda

Take a peek at our agenda for this live event, and we hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 1 | 12-4:30pm CT

Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL




Welcome Remarks:

Teresa Anderson


Keynote: Resilience During COVID: From Fighting Crime to Protecting Employees

Chief Brendan Deenihan


Trends and Strategies for Managing Risks with a Hybrid Workforce

George Siegle




Panel Session: Operational Resilience in an Ever-Changing Risk Landscape

Teresa Anderson | George Siegle Chf. Brendan Deenihan | Thomas Henkey


Closing Remarks:

Teresa Anderson

Here’s a snapshot of some of the brands we are proud to work with.

Watch on demand