How Nestle Manages Operational and Security Crisis Events
Date/Time: Thursday, September 14th, 2017, 1:00 PM (ET)/10:00 AM (PT)
Speaker: Eric Davis-Fernald, Head of NUSA Security
Different types of crises, from operation issues like a food recall to security threats such as an earthquake or active shooter can affect a business. For many organizations, employees are typically mobile or geographically dispersed, which can cause a variety of issues when it comes to incident response. Are the right steps being taken and in the right order according to our response plans? Who is responsible and accountable for what?
Join us on September 14th for our expert’s insights webinar, How Nestle Manages Operational and Security Crisis Events to hear how Nestle was able refine their crisis management strategy to ensure effectiveness. On this webinar, Eric Davis-Fernald, Head of NUSA Security will cover the following topics:
- Crisis events Nestle faces
- Problems with old processes
- Solutions
- Use cases
- Best practices
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